46-й президент США Джо Байден 20 января принес присягу в качестве главы государства. Вместе с ним к присяге на церемонии инаугурации в Вашингтоне была приведена вице-президент Камала Харрис. Вот как это было
Джо Байден – 46-й президент США. Как проходила инаугурация

Joe Biden took his presidential oath of office on a generations-old, family Bible.

In his inauguration speech, delivered two weeks after the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, President Biden commented that, "Today we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate but of a cause; a cause of democracy."

Calling on Americans to unite and listen to each other, Biden stressed that "white supremacy and domestic terrorism" would be defeated.

Outgoing Vice President Mike Pence attended the inauguration, along with almost all of the living U.S. presidents and their wives: Barak and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and George W. and Laura Bush. Former President Jimmy Carter, 96, did not attend because of health risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Церемония проходила без зрителей, но в присутствии более 20 тысяч военных: до 24 января в столице Соединенных Штатов действует режим чрезвычайного положения из-за возможных протестов сторонников бывшего президента Дональда Трампа
Pandemic and security concerns led to an extremely restricted audience for the January 20, 2021 inauguration ceremony. Twenty-five thousand National Guard troops were deployed in Washington, D.C. to prevent a repeat of the violent unrest by supporters of ex-President Donald Trump on January 6.
Pandemic and security concerns led to an extremely restricted audience for the January 20, 2021 inauguration ceremony. Twenty-five thousand National Guard troops were deployed in Washington, D.C. to prevent a repeat of the violent unrest by supporters of ex-President Donald Trump on January 6.

Из-за протестов и пандемии коронавируса власти Вашингтона настоятельно рекомендовали жителям города оставаться дома. Военные во время инаугурации выставили посты на всех подходах к Капитолию
Concerns about attacks by political extremists who do not recognize U.S. President Joe Biden's election and about transmission of the COVID-19 virus led to calls for residents of Washington, D.C. to stay home on inauguration day. National Guard troops were stationed at all approaches to the Capitol.
Concerns about attacks by political extremists who do not recognize U.S. President Joe Biden's election and about transmission of the COVID-19 virus led to calls for residents of Washington, D.C. to stay home on inauguration day. National Guard troops were stationed at all approaches to the Capitol.

Usually, tens of thousands of people fill this area in front of the U.S. Congress on inauguration day.

For the 2021 presidential inauguration, over 190,000 U.S. flags took the place of spectators on the National Mall.

Гимн США перед началом инаугурации исполнила певица Леди Гага. Она и другие исполнители, которые пели на церемонии (Гарт Брукс и Дженнифер Лопес), никогда не скрывали симпатии к Демократической партии
Singer Lady Gaga, a Biden supporter, performed the U.S. national anthem at the ceremony. Performer Jennifer Lopez, who also took part, has a long history of backing the Democratic Party, but the presence of country singer Garth Brooks, a Republican, was controversial for some of his fans.
Singer Lady Gaga, a Biden supporter, performed the U.S. national anthem at the ceremony. Performer Jennifer Lopez, who also took part, has a long history of backing the Democratic Party, but the presence of country singer Garth Brooks, a Republican, was controversial for some of his fans.

Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor swore in Kamala Harris as vice-president.

Kamala Harris bumps fists with Joe Biden after being sworn in as the first female vice-president of the United States. Harris is also the first person of Jamaican or Indian descent to be elected to the post.

Приглашенные гости на церемонии были рассажены с соблюдением социальной дистанции, на стоящих достаточно далеко друг от друга стульях. После каждого выступления трибуну протирали дезинфицирующими средствами

Байден и его жена Джилл идут на церемонию инаугурации

Камала Харрис приветствует бывшего президента Барака Обаму

Бывший президент США Джордж Буш – младший на церемонии инаугурации

Камала Харрис с мужем

Бывший президент США Билл Клинтон и бывшая госсекретарь Хиллари Клинтон

Сцена на балконе Конгресса, где проходила инаугурация

Джо Байден и Камала Харрис с членами своих семей

Традиционно на церемонии играет военный оркестр, эта традиция и в нынешнем году осталась неизменной